Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to Core, er, Simply Filling

Two weeks ago I gained 1.2 pounds, for a total loss of 21.2 pounds. I was distraught. Well, that might be overstating it, but I was definitely upset by it. I had tracked, although I had not counted Points.

So I resolved to knuckle down and record everything I ate and count all the Points and measure and weigh everything, etc. That lasted for three days.

I hated it. I started to feel like my entire life revolved around what I was going to eat, when I was going to eat, how much I was going to eat, how I was going to prepare it, and recording what I ate. Arrrrgh!

Back to Core for me, which I prefer as a name over Simply Filling because 1) it's shorter, and 2) it reminds me that it's a whole-foods diet.

I get what Momentum is trying to do for people. And I like the greater flexibility in food choices that it provides (Flex was a good name but Momentum is OK, too). But my food choices lead me back to Filling Foods almost exclusively.

I rarely eat meat. I rarely eat processed foods. I almost never eat fast food. My meals consist of grains, vegetables, and fruits. I get dairy from fat-free yogurt and the occasional slice of cheese. Protein comes from dairy, legumes, and grains. I stay away from sweets. I sweeten with Splenda (and artificial sweetener) or erythritol (a sugar alcohol), although I do cook with sugar, honey, maple syrup, or molasses now and then. Stevia is too bitter for my tastes.

Where I deviate from Simply Filling is that I allow myself 100% whole-grain breads, pasta, and crackers more often. And I don't track my Weekly Points Allowance. I am now more convinced than ever that I have to find a way to lose weight without tracking/journaling/writing things down!

This weekend I made a batch of slow cooker vegetarian baked beans. Yum! It's hard to abuse beans because they fill you up so quickly.

This week I lost .6 pounds for a total loss of 21.8 pounds. I still have a long way to go to start losing regularly and to get back to my highest total of 27.4 pounds lost . . . and then to continue losing.

I'm still committed to Weight Watchers and weekly meetings. Without them, I'd have given up by now and put all the weight (and more) back on.

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