I've lost weight on it and I've given up trying to understand why so many people of different ages and sizes now have 29 PointsPlus™ when we all had varying POINTS®. I'm adjusting to the differences in PointsPlus™ values and finding it easier (so far) to keep tracking.
It's the new name that's bugging me. Before PointsPlus™ was introduced in the United States, I read about it on the Weight Watchers United Kingdom website. In the UK, PointsPlus™ is called ProPoints®. Silly me, I thought the US would use the same name.
During last week's meeting, I watched the leader struggle to remember to say "PointsPlus™" instead of "Points" (Not "POINTS®," of course, because that's the old program).
"PointsPlus™" just does not roll off the tongue except as the name of the program, as in "The PointsPlus™ Program."
No one except the meeting leader call the new Points PointsPlus™. On the other hand, I can easily imagine everyone in a UK meeting calling the new Points ProPoints®. It's just easier to say.
I get that different countries need different names for the program. But, what were they thinking? I'm sure they spent significant time and money on the new name . . . and it never occurred to them that it was a mouthful?
I predict that with the inevitable tweaking (and, therefore, new marketing) of PointsPlus™ will come a new name, just as the Flex plan became Momentum (sorry, I didn't track down the marks). I'd be happy to join the brainstorming for a term North Americans will actually use.
To get the brainstorming started, how about PowerPoints™? Or TruePoints™? Or why not drop the use of Points completely and come up with something like DietDegrees™ ? (The rights to these marks are available for a small fee
Oh, one more thing, just to stay on the right side of US trademark law: PointsPlus™ & POINTS® are trademarks of Weight Watchers International. ProPoints® is also a trademark of Weight Watchers International, but I didn't find it registered in the US. PowerPoints™, TruePoints™, & DietDegrees™ are my trademarks but I haven't done a full search on them nor have I applied for trademark registration.