Saturday, March 10, 2012

Back to Basics

I've just spent a good bit of the afternoon planning my meals for the upcoming work week. I've gained almost 10 pounds since I stopped taking oral antibiotics. Oral antibiotics were fine as a weight loss strategy (ahem) but they didn't do much for my Lyme disease.

I'm now doing three months of IV antibiotics, which are much kinder to my stomach but not to my weight. They're not particularly good for my fatigue, either, because I have to take them every 8 hours, the effect of which is that I get 7 hours or less of sleep. When I was healthy I needed at least 7 1/2 hours.

The good news is that the IV antibiotics are making me feel better. Before starting the IV antibiotics, I'd taken three different oral antibiotics at the same time for a year and when I stopped I knew I still had Lyme disease. So even though my insurance company won't pay for the IV antibiotics because I'm not sick enough to be hospitalized, I'm more than happy to dig deeply to pay for them.

When I first started the IV antibiotics, I couldn't have figured out what to eat every day because I was suffering too much brain fog. I'm still suffering some brain fog but I can push through it.

Tomorrow I'll do my shopping and cook for the week ahead. Fingers crossed.

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