Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Momentum . . . for true believers?

So, two weeks ago I gained 1.8 pounds and last week I lost 1.8 pounds. No change.

Big change, though, in Weight Watchers' diet plans. The new plan is called Momentum or, as people on the Weight Watchers' Core forum are calling it, Flore.

Flore = Flex + Core

There's now only one plan and it tries to combine the best of Flex and Core. If I joined Weight Watchers today, I might think it is terrific. Instead, I miss Core.

On the plus side, the new plan encourages everyone to eat "filling foods," foods that are mostly Core. For me, on the negative side, the new plan encourages everyone to track Points.

I left Saturday's meeting all fired up to track for a week to see how I could do with the new plan. It lasted until lunch. I've said many, many times before that I detest tracking. I've done it so often in my adult life that I can't make myself do it anymore (I can't make myself do a lot of things anymore, which I attribute to fibromyalgia -- but it could be just willpower fatigue, I suppose).

I binged through the rest of the weekend then got back on the Core wagon on Monday. I've been there ever since. And I intend to stay there until something changes. That something could be me or the Momentum plan.

I will continue to get weighed every week and attend the meetings because that's the very best part of Weight Watchers. I don't think I have the, um, momentum to follow a new diet plan.