Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another Sigh

So I hit the new century and thought the Land of Overweight couldn't be far away. I'm still in ObeseVille.

I really thought I'd see my BMI go below obese this week. I tracked. I ate well. I went out for breakfast and didn't succumb to the lure of an omlette. And I gained weight. I'm now threatening to return to that old century. No! Not that!

My leader decided it was because I wore long pants today instead of the shorts I've worn all summer. I think of them as my weigh-in jeans. They're lighter than most jeans and I wear them almost exclusively on weigh-in day. I also wore socks for the first time in months. I gained 1.6 pounds.

Even if my clothing choices are the source of the gain, it still means I didn't lose. So now I'm trying to catch any sneaky Points that I haven't tracked. Kaitlin mentioned "bites, licks, and tastes" (BLTs - groan) today so I've been on the alert for those, too.

I'm not as disappointed as this may sound. I know that I'll get back on track. It's just that right now I'm not sure what getting back on track means! Wait. That sounds worse than I mean it. I know I'll get back on track, especially after a second weigh-in wearing my weigh-in jeans and another week of staying on plan; a weight gain then will tell me I need to look very, very closely at what I'm doing. There. That's better.

I found a terrific Weight Watchers recipe on their website that I'm cooking tonight. I just know even before making it that I'm going to love it. Check out Sweet Potato & Onion Salad. I have no idea why they call it a "salad" because it seems like a side dish to me.

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