Saturday, May 10, 2008

It Wasn't The Core

I mostly stuck to the Core Plan this past week. And I'm working toward doing better at it.

So, why did I lose 2.6 pounds this week, for a total of 21.6?

Ritalin. Yep, I chalk it up to Speed.

A consequence of all the chronic ailments I've acquired is a shortened attention span -- a drastically shortened attention span.

When I saw Dr. Sean this week I told him that I must do something about my inability to concentrate at work. After talking it over he wrote me a prescription for a very small dose of Ritalin, not because he didn't want me to get hooked but because I'm so sensitive to Ritalin-like drugs and supplements.

The first couple of days, I did speed. Now I've come down and I'm experiencing something more like normal energy (although I still pay and pay and pay when I overdo it) -- and I actually have some concentration.

What's not to like? I've lost some weight. I can think more clearly and focus for more than a nanosecond at a time. And, the truly surprising side effect: I'm less achy! I had no idea it might actually improve my fibromyalgia.

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