Saturday, May 31, 2008


Up and down; up and down. After today's meeting, I'm determined to re-dedicating myself to losing weight.

There was no particular reason that I didn't write last week. I just didn't get to it and there was nothing particularly interesting to mull over. I lost .2 last week and gained .8 this week. My total loss is 17.6.

At this week's meeting I spoke up about my up-and-down. The leader, Cinde, who is not my usual leader but who I like and today preferred, asked why. I said I think it's mostly related to my health issues along with losing momentum from the Detoxx Diet. And I told the group that I attend every week because if I didn't my up-and-down would be up-and-up. I explained that I know that attending every week is important; that if this is really a lifestyle change, then going to weekly meetings is part of that new lifestyle; and that I'm always so inspired by the lifetime members who show up every week.

That led to a really interesting discussion (although I adore Karen, it's unlikely we'd have had this discussion in her group because she's more a performer -- an inspirational performer, but a performer nonetheless). Some of the members talked about how they sometimes get discouraged because they lose less than a pound each week and often it's .2 or .4 pounds, but they realize that those fractions add up. Other members, the lifetimers, talked about how hard maintenance is but how motivating it is to have to pay for a meeting when they've gone too far above their goal weight.

One member talked about how she had gotten away from tracking her Points and her weight loss had slowed. Cinde reminded us of the ABCs: All Bites Count. And it was at that moment that I realized I've got to re-dedicate myself to this "journey."

I've spent a good bit of the afternoon planning my menus for the week with eTools. I purposely did not do my weekly grocery shopping after the WW meeting so I could do the planning. And it's not just the planning. I'm also finding new meals to eat so I won't get bored. I'm also including some after-work snacks in my plans so I won't sit down with a bag of Goldfish and eat an uncounted number before dinner (the fact that I eat the Goldfish "made with whole grains" doesn't let me off the Points hook!).

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