Sunday, May 18, 2008

So Much for Core

Gained 3.4 pounds last week. I was not surprised. I had a tough week and succumbed to reward-eating.

I was aware of what was going on and also realized that I was using the Core plan to rationalize my munching. No Point counting? OK! I can eat what I want and as much as I want.

So it's back to counting Points. I like the idea of Core, but I doubt I'll ever be able to succeed with it. For one thing, I don't like the idea of eating non-fat dairy and sugar-free or no-sugar-added (read: artificial sweeteners) "sweets."

I've worked hard over the years to learn to eat healthfully. I'm an inveterate label reader. Trying to follow the Core plan reacquainted me with ingredients lists that were longer than my attention span.

So it's back to Flex. It means that I get to eat only minuscule amounts of full-fat cottage cheese, but at it least it will taste like . . . cottage cheese!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds like you know what went wrong and how you're going to fix it. That's half the battle.........:)

BTW, congratulations on the total weight loss so far.