Saturday, October 18, 2008

Oh, Phooey

Okay, so officially I gained 2.8 pounds this week for a total loss of 23.2 pounds. Unofficially, I stayed the same or lost.

I was hungry all week. My home scales showed a loss up to yesterday morning.

Last night Zaphod & I had dinner out with a good friend of ours and I succumbed to the lure of french fries.

I wasn't surprised to see a gain on the scale at weigh-in this morning but I really wasn't expecting to see such a large gain. The meal I ate last night was probably pretty salty, so that might account for some of the gain, but all of it? Overnight?

Two weeks ago, my leader suggested that I count the Points of what I was eating to help me manage my portions. One week ago, I lost a pound, which demonstrated the wisdom of her suggestion. I continued to consume the portions I had determined were realistic this past week, with the exception of last night's dinner.

I follow the Core plan. I'm supposed to eat Core foods until I'm satisfied. I was never satisfied this past week. What the hell is going on?

At dinner last night I had a panzanella salad . . . and a side of fries. I nibbled on the fries until I finished the salad. Then I rested (as in "stop, rest, and assess") and afterward enjoyed the rest of the fries. I was satisfied, not stuffed. But 2.8 pounds satisfied?

Could this have anything to do with living in Maine and it getting darker, a lot darker, at this time of year? I truly don't know. I tried to move more this past week, but that was just walking the dogs a couple of mornings along with my usual t'ai chi class. It doesn't come close to accounting for my hunger.

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