Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yep, It Works

Lost one pound, for a total of 18. Deja vu? I'm still 4 pounds from the 10% key chain.

I used eTools to track my food and some of my activity this week. I went well over my allotment of points every day, but tracking does make a difference. This isn't news to me. What's news is that using eTools to do the tracking made me more aware of what and how much I was eating.

This week's successes: I walked my dogs for at least 20 minutes six days. My fatigue is not any less. I was up late last night so I can't really tell if it's worse. Still, it probably contributed to my one-pound loss.

This week's, um, lapses (I don't want to call them failures): I ate some Laughing Cow cheese that I hadn't planned to eat (only 3 points' worth) and last night I had some yummy tiramisu that I just couldn't resist. The Laughing Cow I probably could have done without, but I thoroughly enjoyed the tiramisu, so I don't regret it.

I see Dr. Sean on Tuesday. I doubt that he'll have a diet solution to my chronic fatigue . . . at least I hope so!

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