Friday, January 11, 2008

Taking the Food Out of Comfort Food

I had my weigh-in today instead of tomorrow morning. I lost 1.8 pounds this week for a total of 15.6.

Why did I go to Weight Watchers today instead of tomorrow? Two interrelated reasons. First, as I noted on Tuesday, I had surgery to release the ulnar nerve in my right elbow (cubital tunnel syndrome -- like carpal tunnel but in the elbow) and I'm not permitted to drive until I see the doctor next week. Second, Zaphod is my driver this week and the Saturday morning meeting I usually attend is too early for him.

So off we went to a Friday noon meeting. Zaphod dropped me at the WW Center and drove off to find Big Al's Discount store. I went in to be weighed after even less activity than usual.

I wasn't surprised that I had lost weight because I weigh myself every morning. What's surprising to me is how easy it has been to avoid comfort-food snacking during my convalescence. I'm overly experienced in outpatient surgery and the week's convalescence at home afterwards. And each time I've rewarded myself with some (some?) comfort food.

My work has kept me pretty busy this week with year-end reporting, but I have been eating mindfully so that when I did indulge in some comfort food (the current fav being Pepperidge Farm Goldfish -- the whole-grain version, of course), I did so mindfully.

That and knowing that I wanted to report to the WW group that I had succeeded in my quest to lose weight during convalescence.

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