Saturday, January 26, 2008

Woo Hoo!

I lost 3 pounds this week! That brings my total weight loss to 18.4 pounds.

Having stuck closely to the Detoxx Diet this week without counting points and only minimal tracking, I'm not quite sure how I lost that much weight. I have some ideas, though.

Despite eating full-fat dairy and lots of meat, I didn't overeat because I didn't snack on the foods I enjoy and sometimes eat mindlessly. I'm not a snacker but I do like crackers and other grain-based snacks. No grains, no snacks.

And the Weight Watchers' message is starting to become part of my psyche: Stop-rest-assess and Think First and my leader's favorite: I live my life eating the foods I love in the amounts I need without guilt.

The "foods I love" part is a problem for me because I'm not eating the breads, crackers, rice, pasta, and other grains that I love. Grains might come back into my diet someday, but only after I've given the Detoxx Diet a fair tryout.

I can be faithful to the maxim, however, because I love dairy products. Which means I still have to pay close attention to this part: "in the amounts I need"!

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