Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hold the toast?

I went out to breakfast this morning, something I enjoy -- well, used to enjoy before food became fuel.

I nearly ordered a vegetable omelette with cheese. Horrors! I'm not allowed to eat processed cheese or most sliced cheeses. Whew! Caught that just in time.

Veggie omelettes need cheese. Otherwise, they're just eggs folded over barely cooked vegetables. Cheese holds it all together and makes it an omelette. I looked wistfully at the ketchup, but I'm not allowed to eat that either (it's the sugar).

To make up for the lack of cheese, I ordered a side of link sausage. Now I'm uncertain about whether I'm allowed to eat it. As long as there were no nitrates or nitrates in it, it should have been okay.

Then there was the challenge of the toast. As a good Weight Watchers member I thought about the toast ahead of time and decided I was going to allow myself to have some. So I ordered my omelette with whole-wheat toast. When my meal arrived I realized that I wouldn't be able to put any orange marmalade on it. Sigh. I ate half a slice, so I didn't fall too far off the wagon.

Fortunately, the conversation was way better than my dietary restrictions and I had a fine time.

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