Sunday, August 24, 2008

Core Success!

Lost 1.4 pounds this week, for a total loss of 26.2 pounds. Finally! Finally made it past the 25-pound mark (those 25-pound "washers" are pretty lame, aren't they? no matter, I've got one and put it on my 10% keychain).

I stuck to Core pretty strictly throughout the work week. At this point, my plan is to eat purely Core meals during the week, then loosen up a bit on the weekend. Yesterday I had a couple of 2-point English muffins with peanut butter. Today I had a ciabatta roll with egg salad made with decidedly non-Core mayo for breakfast. Tonight we're celebrating family birthdays and I'll indulge in a very small sliver of the cake I'm baking; I'll probably also indulge in some real cheese before dinner.

I know there will come a time when I'll have to be more careful about my non-Core eating on the weekend, but for the next week or two, it's making it a lot easier for me to stay on Core during the week. I do not count my non-Core points because I really can't stand to track. Instead, I'm becoming more aware of when I'm hungry and when I'm satisfied and which foods just aren't worth the calories.

Big discovery of the week: fat-free yogurt mixed with salsa for a creamy salad dressing. Mix them about half & half and add other spices if you like, such as garlic powder or celery seed. Yum! Next on my list: discovering a fat-free non-creamy dressing.

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