Saturday, August 16, 2008

Return to Core?

Lost .8 for a total of 24.8 pounds lost. So close to the magic 25! My plan is to select my goal weight when I hit 25, which I had hoped would be today. Next week will be fine.

At this morning's meeting we talked a lot about the Core plan. I tired Core once and failed miserably at it. It just gave me license to eat. As we discussed it today, though, I realized that I'm eating very close to Core already.

Core is all about attitude. Flex is all about options.

When I tried Core the first time, I did it because I was having trouble making myself track. But I wasn't ready to alter my state of mind so I could learn to eat only until I was satisfied. That's the attitude part of Core.

Core is about self-limiting by food choice. Flex is about self-limiting by tracking.

When I tried Core the first time, I felt strait-jacketed by the narrow range of food choices I could make. On Core, one can eat as much as one wants, but only of Core foods. I don't recall what I couldn't give up, but it doesn't matter. I've learned since then that I can't eat sugar; it just makes me want more sugar and I have a hard time stopping. I've also learned to like non-fat yogurt when I make yogurt cheese of it and add either Splenda or garlic salt.

The upshot is that I'm going to put together some Core menus for the week ahead to see if I'm not ready for it. Those who succeed on Core really like it because there is no tracking. I detest tracking!

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