Saturday, December 8, 2007

Do I Really Have a Blog?

So I've started this blog, inspired by so other weight-loss blogs. This is where I plan to document my "journey" -- that's what Weight Watchers calls it. I think of it as a struggle. I'm not a joiner, but I knew I couldn't do this on my own anymore. So I signed up for a year. And, so far, it's working. I've lost 10 pounds. I'm focusing on the loss (I have, oh, another 70 or so pounds to lose - yikes!).

I have a terrific group leader who makes it fun and important to attend meetings. If you're doing Weight Watchers and your leader doesn't inspire you, look for another leader.

Here's something I haven't shared "in group." I don't obsessively track my Points. I do calculate them (the Points calculator really is worth the money), but I don't write down everything I eat. I might get there but I'm trying to find a way to LIVE. And in my mind living does not include obsessively writing down everything I eat.

1 comment:

zaphod said...

The thing about journeys,
You really must know,
Is: the best way to start
Is have some place to go.
Once you've got that set,
I've one thing to say:
Even when things are difficult,
You'll find a weigh!