Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Full-Fat Dairy? No Grains? No Weigh!?!

I'm seeing a new doctor for my Lyme disease and assorted related ailments. My old doctor left the biz to go full-time as an addiction specialist. I liked my old doctor a lot but I think it's mostly a good thing that I've found a new doctor.

Yesterday I saw my new doctor for the second time. He'd had a chance to read my chart from the old doctor. We first discussed the concerns I had. Then we discussed a suggestion he had: Go on the Detoxx Protocol. Yeah, that's right, detoxx with two Xs. The protocol is a diet, supplements, liver cleanse, and maybe some other stuff.

Today I read the diet closely. It's the Atkins Diet with some modifications. Hmmmmmm. Can I really go against my years and years of low-fat, whole-grain, high-carb eating? And what would I be able to eat within my Weight Watchers Points allowance?

I haven't rejected it outright, but I doubt I'll adopt it without changes.


Anonymous said...

A thought crossed my mind (I don't mean to be coarse,

And I'll prob'bly appogize 'til I am hoarse):

The thing about diets and 'no grains', of course,

Is: it's 'sposed to be harder to eat like a horse.


Jessie said...

I suppose you should apologize, but I prefer to think you just liked the hoarse/horse/coarse/course rhymes!