Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Who Needs to Know?

I'm pretty good at wearing my "anchor" bracelet every day. Today one of my co-workers asked me about it. Because it's copper, another co-worker wanted to know why I was wearing it. I'm not ready for the world at large (99% of blogs are never read by anyone but the blogger) to know that I'm going to Weight Watchers, so I wasn't prepared for this; I figured most people would just think it's a bracelet.

I finally said that it is an anchor but I was not wearing it for its medicinal properties. These are good folks, whose curiosity was sincere, so once they realized that I was uncomfortable talking about it, they let it go.

When will I tell other than a select few that I'm going to Weight Watchers? When they ask, "Have you lost weight?"

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